Indian brides have the most beautiful styles to look forward every year. The excitement of being an Indian bride is unmatched because of the finery and grandeur that every bridal outfit holds. Every Indian bride-to-be wakes up with dreams of having the most breathtaking ceremony and obviously the outfits.

With the perfect insight, you can put together a perfect Indian bridal ensemble for yourself investing in ample time, effort, and budget. The fashion designers drop striking styles every year

You may be an Indian staying in Dallas and have an occasion coming up where you wish to make a fashion statement wearing Indian Menswear. There may not be many options to have such but one of those definitely is to be at Silk Threads and have your dress from our collection of Indian Menswear in Dallas.

The Uniqueness Of Our Collections

Though choices of organizations offering such dresses are limited it is not that you have to decide on whatever you get. The collections that we offer to you will

In the world of fashion designing, many youngsters are now entering with a dream to make it big one day. They mostly look to produce excellent collections of garment that would be supplied to serve high end customers and fashion stores all across the world. Their passion can be fed with true success story of a fashion designer in Dallas like Ruby Bhandari who has graduated from Texas University and held in high esteem in fashion industry of Dallas. Ruby is born in New York with an Indian

Love is in the air! And the Wedding season is around the corner! Are you getting ready to ring the wedding bells soon in Dallas? Do you want a dream Indian bridal outfit? Then rely on a reputable fashion designer in Dallas- Ruby Bhandari. Along with her creative and experienced team, Ruby specializes in creating the stunning variety of bespoke bridal wear and many other fashionable ethnic wear.

In this era of an experiment, Ruby Bhandari has come up with some new color trends that will help in
